
family crest of Japan

The family crest of Japan is a crest that has been used to show lineage, blood, and an own standing of a family and the position.
The family crest can be made.
Can you become a Japanese by this application, too?!


tempura samurai

I like cooking.
Last Sunday,I cooked itarian dinner. My wife and I likes to eat.

"Tempura samurai" is a game to which it becomes a tempura workman and the tempura is fried. 

- - - How to play ***

It drags from the right of the material that is of the screen and dropping 3 and the tempura in the pan aim at the tempura samurai repeating drug 5 and 1~4 aiming at guest's balloon when beautifully rising four that waits deliberately to rise the order. ..displayed tempura.. confirm it to 1 and guest's balloons 2

- - - Hint ***
When 3 and the guest who is angry that 2 that is dragged in the garbage box and thrown away and wrong goods are passed to the guest are completely angry, the burning 1 and tempura and heaven the lees game over = commit harakiri suicide…

Harakiri is pride of samurai.